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Thursday, August 28, 2003

Click here for some absolutely lovely photographs of New York and my office in Rockefeller Center taken by Texan, Tom Spencer. He seemed to enjoy the Kitty Hawk sand dune replication which I hate, hate hated. Then again, I have to manage the space every day and the whole arial-themed display was cumbersome. They removed much of our garden seating whilst the display was, well, displayed and created barricades in every nook and cranny.

Anyway, I digress. He's an absolutely terrific photographer and has some breathtaking photos of Texas bluebonnets -- for all you non-Texans, the bluebonnet is the Texas State Flower and a field of them is a treasure to behold. Do yourself a favor and defrag a moment on his site. The guy is so zen! To pass the time, I've been trying to think of ways to ruffle his feathers...so, yeah, I need some defragging I think.