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Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Ho Hum

We made the news again for this. Aren't we purty all gussied up?

Check out Tina Louise at our party. Oh, and Maurice DuBoise with Alina Cho. Howzabout Puff Daddy's Mama, Janice Combs, and how can I forget the lovely and sassy Ms. Ann Richards. Of course she was a gracious guest of honor and thanked Tex in the City (as an LLC and as individuals) in a nice little speech. She also spent some alone time with us in a private room after the party -- just the four of us with the best lady ever. She's so cool. The gift bags were a hit and as Chris Smith of the NY Times told me it was one of the best book parties he'd ever been to because it wasn't full of pretentious haute monde. Yes, we are friendly and welcoming. It's a curse.

By the way, it was 10 years ago today that I quit smoking. I haven't had a single puff since. Yay me!