My paralegal degree was not for naught!
One year ago (August 6, 2002, to be exact), I completed the legal research and documentation to apply for a trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office for the Tex in the City logo. On August 5, 2003, the registration request went unopposed (a big thank you to HBO and the great State of Texas, et al.).
Our precious little ™ has tranformed into an ®.
I remember when I was in Z. Cavaricci's, comparing Rick Astley to my beloved Scott Ramsey and singing the soundtrack to Starlight Express ad nauseum. My how we've grown!
Our precious little ™ has tranformed into an ®.
I remember when I was in Z. Cavaricci's, comparing Rick Astley to my beloved Scott Ramsey and singing the soundtrack to Starlight Express ad nauseum. My how we've grown!
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