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Tuesday, October 21, 2003

A few items of business:

(1) Tex in the City guests of Estee Lauder Companies will receive a 15% discount at the Flatiron Building Jo Malone, MAC and Origins stores on October 27-31, 2003. Print out this flier and take it with you to receive your savings. Enjoy!

(2) This Friday is most likely the last Portable Comedy. Join me, won't you? It's only $7 and if you mention Tex in the City, you get in for $5. Did I mention there's free vodka? No? Well, there's free vodka.

(3) The reason for the aforementioned last show is due to the Gerswhin undergoing much needed renovations. This means I need to find another spot for future Tex in the City events and Christian may want to re-launch his show. Do y'all have any suggestions? If so, send them my way.

Okay, back to whatever it is you weren't doing.