Kambri Crews on the Red Carpet!

I have just returned from Los Angeles after attending, among many other awesome events, the 2006 TV Land Awards with my fiance, comedian Christian Finnegan, where I was feeling pretty high on life and - dare I admit it - myself. I looked good, felt good and only made a fool of myself once when I told Megan Mullally's husband during dinner that he was a liar, that he was not really her husband that he was just pulling my leg. Turns out he's honest, I'm just a little bit skeptical and a lot inexperienced.
"Why would you not believe me? Am I not dashing enough?" Nick queried.
"No, it's just, I mean why would you be sitting next to me?!" I guffawed.
Unless you've grown up in the deep woods of Texas sleeping on chicken coop wire in a tin shed with deaf parents -- one of whom is now in jail for attempted murder -- you just can't imagine how surreal it is to be sitting amongst every television star from your childhood not as a busboy but as an invited guest. Of course he was her husband, he was in the extra special seating section for VIPs . . . and so was I. Poor Nick.
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