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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Tex in the City friend and producer, Kevin Farr, lost his sister Carla Cook after a long battle with cancer. Kevin and a few of his closest friends all gathered at his apartment this past Saturday night in Jersey City to honor and celebrate her life.

I didn't know Carla personally but have met Kevin's parents and have known Kevin for a few years now and first began working with him when he directed Tex in the City's Country vs. Rock n' Roll cabaret starring his dear friend Andra Mitrovich (Love,Janis).

The happiness and good vibes that positively radiate from Kevin hardly faltered even in this time of loss for him and his family. My heart swelled and my throat clenched when we said our goodbyes that night. How can someone who has helped his family struggle over the last years be so good and kind and gracious and lovely? He is to be revered this Kevin Farr for his strength of character and warm, loving heart. I am honored to know him and only hope I can give him just a shred of the love and support he has shown me as he and his family move foward in their lives without their dear Carla Cook.

Send Kevin a note at kf[@]texinthecity.com.