We Made NY1 News*
Today's AIDS Walk was an awesome, beautiful day shared with new friends and old. We had a fabulous group of 20ish men & women, three dogs and two big signs. We laughed and talked and got to know the team. Then afterwards we trekked over to 9th Avenue where our friend Kieran, formerly of Siberia, treated our team to pizza and a free round. Our team announced on 101.1 radio and Scott was interviewed for NY1. *They didn't use his footage but we were still visible in the background looking absolutely clueless. Har! Watch the slow motion clip to see Kevin, Nicole & Jonathan, me, Paquita, Scott, Brian & Keith. For normal speed, click here. Thank you to everyone who volunteered their time and donated online and in cash. We raised well over $1,000!
Paquita was so exhausted on the subway ride home she was snoring as I cradled her in my arms like a baby. If only someone could have cradled me. I'm beat!
Look for the pics on TexintheCity.com soon.
--Kambri Realized I am more charitable than I give myself credit for sometimes.
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