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Sunday, June 25, 2006

Holy smokes have I had an awesome weekend! The rain tried to damper the spirits of yesterday's Water Taxi "Tex on the Beach" party to no avail. The place was packed and hopping with happy, hungry meat eaters. I learned a new card trick thanks to Texan comedian Dan Allen and got lots of gifts and free drinks from everyone.

Today, Keith treated me to a Yankees game and, once again, the torential rains failed to ruin our day. The rain stopped just in time for us to walk over without using umbrellas and we got to see the grounds crew do their job. It's really kind of fascinating to watch even though it meant the start of the game was delayed by an hour. The Yankees won and we got seats on the subway home.

Now I'm off to take Paquita to a comedy show in the Village and hopefully work on the piece Christian and I will perform tomorrow night at The Drink at Work Show. If it goes well, we're going to play the tape of it at our wedding. Come on out tomorrow to Ace of Clubs. You won't want to miss this one!

Happy birthday weekend is over. Sideways frownie face.