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Monday, June 05, 2006

It's the day of the show, y'all!!

Well the day is finally here...my first day attending the Manhattan School of Music's Professional Musical Theatre Workshop. I'm so excited and find it hard to believe that this goal that I set out to achieve months (maybe years?) ago is finally beginning.

The program is designed to provide intensive training for musical theater performers in New York City who seek to refine their skills in order to be better equipped to fulfill the needs of musical theater today.

Paul Gemignani, world-renowned musical director of more than 35 Broadway shows, is not only the Artistic Director of the program but has also assembled a stellar faculty made up of outstanding musical theater professionals from the Broadway stage including Jim Carnahan, Phyllis Della, Paul Ford, Robert Kimball, Joanna Merlin, Carolann Page, Lonny Price, and Ginger Thatcher.

The course is four weeks in length and features hands-on training in all areas of musical theater performance, including individual vocal and dramatic coachings, song preparation, scene preparation, audition techniques, career management, dance, and master classes with distinguished artists, as well as a study of the history and impact of American musical theater...so for those of you who know me well, you know that I'm about to plunged into my nirvana!!

As I have begun my journey back into the world of musical theatre as a performer I have discovered that I am so much more of a different person since the last time I performed...and loving that realization! So I know this workshop will be invaluable in helping me get a jump start in getting back up to speed while incorporating who I am today...and truly guiding me into becoming my own...which will make for a completely unique experience that I'm honored and thrilled to have!