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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Free Ticket Offer for Texans in the City!

Kathleen Madigan of NBC's "Last Comic Standing" and her own half hour specials on HBO and Comedy Central headlines at Comix, the hottest new comedy club in New York City. See her full bio at the end of this entry.

Tex in the City has purchased blocks of tickets to the following shows at the new comedy nightclub Comix this weekend. NO FOOD OR DRINK MINIMUM!!!

Thursday, October 5th - 8:00 PM
Friday, October 6th - 8:00 PM OR 10:30PM
Saturday, October 7th - 8:00 PM OR 10:30 PM

FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR YOUR FREE TICKETS. Seriously, read carefully and follow these SIMPLE instructions or you'll miss out.

Email: kc@texinthecity.com:
Subject Line: Kathleen Madigan - (INSERT DATE / TIME)

Specifiy the name under which tickets should be held, the number of tickets you would like (no more than four per person please) and which DATE and TIME.

If there are tickets still available for the date and time you specify you WILL receive an email confirmation from me. Tickets will be held at Will Call under the name specified.

Where to go:
353 West 14th Street
New York, NY 10014

Homepage: http://www.comixny.com/

Who did Jay Leno call one of America's funniest female comics on The Howard Stern Show? Who did Bob Costas say was one of his favorite comedians? Who was the only 5'2'', Mid-Missouri Hoop Shoot Champion? St. Louis native comedienne Kathleen Madigan, that's who. Voted Best Female Stand-Up at the American Comedy Awards, Madigan's ability to talk about serious topics and draw insane conclusions is the reason she sells out comedy clubs and theaters across the country. The former journalist and Southern Illinois University graduate's superb timing and polished act have made her a favorite among club goers and late night audiences. She has also starred in her own popular half hour specials on HBO and Comedy Central and the USO Comedy Tour Special. She is a veteran of The Tonight Show with
Jay Leno, Late Night with Conan O'Brien and The Late Show with David