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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Tommy Chong & Shelby

I spent all day Friday with Tommy & Shelby Chong taking them to various Sirius radio shows then on to 92.3's Radiochick all to promote their appearances at Comix. I made sure Tommy knew about the brew-ha-ha that ensued Wednesday between Danny Bonaduce (see below) and Chuck Nice. Tommy thought for sure it was staged so during the on air segment Tommy asked Chuck all about it. It made for a lively radio appearance and we gave a few listeners free pairs to the shows. Tonight is their last night here in NYC, so check them out at 7:30 at Comix.

On air, Tommy chatted alot about his experience being locked up for 9 months for selling bongs. He & I talked a bit about my dad being in jail for attempted murder. Certainly not quite the same scenario but there was much that didn't need to be "said". I got a copy of his book The I Chong, Meditations from the Joint and look forward to finding the time to read it. I'd love to send Dad a copy but think that it might be considered paraphernalia or inappropriate material. Only after reading it will I know for sure.

So anyyywaayyy...he's so warm and charming, you should buy his book. Shelby is just as lovely and funny. You should definitely find time to see their live shows be it at Comix or beyond.

Oh yeah, and Christian & Tommy were once both in the same Entertainment Weekly Sound Bites!