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Monday, May 21, 2007

CHALK - A Faux Doc Comedy

CHALK is a faux-doc comedy shot in the style of The Office about the public education system. It was created and filmed in Austin by a couple of former high school teachers (Mike Akel and Chris Mass), and has been picked up by Morgan Spurlock (SuperSize Me and 30 Days), and is being released nationwide this summer. It's received multiple awards, including an Independent Spirit Award nomination (the John Cassavetes Award). They also won the Austin Film Festival both Jury and Audience Awards this year, among other festivals.

It opened in LA very recently -- and so far all good reviews from the LA Times, LA Weekly and others -- and will be opening in NYC at the Sunshine Cinema (on Houston) on June 8th. "Texans in the City" play 3 of the 4 leads -- including myself. It's a small independent film - so they are depending a LOT on word-of-mouth. They especially would love for teachers to see this -- a portion of the proceeds will be donated to a national organization that supports teachers: Teachers Count (teacherscount.org).

To see a trailer and get more info: www.chalkthefilm.com or www.myspace.com/chalkthefilm. The showtimes/ticket purchase page should be set up sometime this week.