After walking about three out of our ulimately 10 miles behind several thousand people yesterday, I asked Keith, "So who's in the lead and do they know where they're going? Seriously, what if they can't read a map?" That would have been interesting, forty-thousand people making a wrong turn.
Team Tex in the City completed this year’s AIDS Walk in Central Park on a perfect day for the world's largest AIDS fundraising event. Thank you to everyone who came out to support Tex in the City and who raised money for the cause.
For more information on AIDS Walk New York or to donate money, go to We hope to see you at AIDS Walk New York 2004!
Paquita and I joined Tex in the City, 40-some-odd-thousand volunteers and John Spencer for the AIDS Walk. (Don't we make a cute little family?)
Out of all those people walking for the cure, I ran into my neighbor Steve; his large, horny-for-Paquita German Shepherd named Turbo; and a coworker who wasn't walking, but saw our signs and ran over to say hello. Funny things, Timing and Chance.I walked in memory of Darrold, George and Lisa. May you rest in peace and may a cure be found.
Damn, we are one fine bunch. Check us out. (I'm the one in pink satin and lace.) Broadway and Off-Broadway producers, accomplished playwrights, publicists, designers and many artists, actors, musicians and other fabulous friends were there. Join us next time, won't you?
Damn, we are one fine bunch. Check us out. (I'm the one in pink satin and lace.) Broadway and Off-Broadway producers, accomplished playwrights, publicists, designers and many artists, actors, musicians and other fabulous friends were there. Join us next time, won't you?
I took seven friends to see Urban Cowboy for *FREE* today. (Have I mentioned how I love being a producer?) Afterwords I was interviewed by Fox TV for my humble opinion. They asked if the show captured a Texan feel. My response was a non-committal, lackluster "Yeah," before I retorted, "But, my trailer was cleaner!"
Two more are seeing it tomorrow without me. I can't wait for their review, since I got into a slight verbal spar with one of them about how when she thinks of Texas she thinks of a black man getting drug by chains behind a pick-up truck. Need I remind her of Abner Louima? Should she as a New Yorker take responsiblity of the actions of other New Yorkers? Of course not. I insist on reciprocity or I'll shoot her with my rifle once I pry it off my gun rack.
The day after another hugely successful Tex in the City event, I just want to grab random people on the street and hug them and kiss them and dry hump them. I walk with a bounce, but not one of those bounces that makes my pony tail swing back and forth. No, I hate that and want to rip those offending pony tails out by their bloody roots and get them DNA-tested for the "You Annoy the Hell Out of Me" gene so we can prevent these gene carriers from reproducing.
But I walk with a jaunty spring in my step. I smile and bite my lower lip and don’t stop when I know I've been caught by a passer by. I laugh out loud and sing stupid songs with the lyrics all wrong and say "Mornin' fellas!" to construction workers and policemen. And if a guy makes a lewd comment about my Pa-Dunk-a-Dunk trunk, I say, "Thanks!" I flash my big Texas smile and the sun reflects off my left canine tooth and goes, "Trrrlllink".
I love my friends. That means you and you and I even love my Amish ones that don't blog like Heidi and Scott and Sheila. And I love the new friends I’ve made like Ken and Keith. Even though it's too early to say "I love you," I'm going to say it anyway and you don’t even have to say it back because I feel that good, and I don’t need silly affirmations to know that you love me too even though you’re too afraid to admit it you big old scaredy cat.
Oh sure, the *FREE* producer's seats for last night’s production of Urinetown the Musical and my *FREE* dinner courtesy of the managers at Dallas BBQ were great, but seeing our friend Charlie Pollock give an outstanding performance and then be such a gracious, courteous Southern Boy to all of our Tex in the City guests, well, I just want to wrap myself in saran wrap and slide down a Slip 'N Slide with baby oil all over me because that just sounds so outrageously fun the way my insides feel. Come on, let's do it!
Register by May 8th to join our Tex in the City Team for AIDS Walk New York 2003, and I'll kiss you on your mouth.