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Wednesday, July 30, 2003

If I may be so lame as to copy Greg, I would also like to bestow a belated thank you and shout out to the lovely Laura of Tooth and Nil for her kind words. In another show of what a small world this really is, Tex in the City met her at Frozen No Salt's fundraiser for their NY Fringe Festival entry Pale Idiot. Roxy and Ehren are good friends of ours and of Laura's. It seems Roxy & Ehren just needed a good excuse to get us together. While chatting, I realized that Laura links to Roaming Redhead, Sarah, who is currently living an adventure in California. (When are you coming back, Sarah?!)

Anyway, we humans just aren't all that far from knowing one another. Sometimes it just takes a margarita to break the ice. I wish the best of luck to both of these Texan / New York production companies!

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Guess who's on jury duty?


Guess what I saw in today's NY Post during the many, many hours of reading many, many newspapers and books?


(Scroll down till you see a photo of the lovely former Texas Gov. Ann Richards and read the accompanying piece.)

Why, yes, that is another Tex in the City reference in Ms. Smith's column. Thank you, Liz, and I hope to see you there on the 12th!

Friday, July 11, 2003

Tex in the City's gathering in Central Park for the free Philharmonic concert last night was simply lovely. Of course there was plenty of wine and beer all over the park without any harassment by the NYPD.

Did anyone really think this was an issue? It's the symphony. I hardly think some Bernstein-o-phile is going to start a rumble because he sipped too much Pinot Grigio. I did, however, flash my tits and nearly got gang-raped by a pack of Brooks Brothers-clad revelers. What can I say, we art lovers tend to get very excited over free things.