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Tex in the City Diaries
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Lots of Stuff!

Tonight marks the return of Eating It at Pier 63 with a killer line up. I and a bunch of folks I know will be there. It's a beautiful night and, if it does rain, we'll be under cover. Only $8, too!

We settled on No Idea Bar for the Happy Hour Hilarilogues night with Andres du Bouchet. Read more here. It will be a lot of fun, so come out on the 14th! The show is going to be hilarious as the name implies, plus you'll get to have a Q&A with Andres & his director.

I was one of ten students chosen for a writing workshop taught by Paula Derrow, the articles director of Self magazine. I'm psyched!

We're taking 11 more folks for a free showing of Burleigh Grime$ tomorrow night. I've heard mixed reviews. Will keep you posted if you're thinking of going.

Our high school pal Deborah joined the throngs on MySpace and is blogging! I was shocked to have a friend request from her since she's avoided the blogger, friendster, livejournal stuff for so many years. That, in turn, put me in touch with another high school friend, a guy I used to "date". "Date" meaning pass lots of notes and kiss once or twice before parting ways in the course of about three weeks. Ah, high school romance. Hilariously fleeting and meaningless. He and I made each other laugh so much and, I dare say, he's still got it.

The Meow Mix House countdown begins! Two weeks from tonight prepare to be amazed! I've been working hard on this project and excitedly await the fruits of my labor. My friend, talented and hilarious comedian Tom Shillue, agreed to host this new reality show which will add so much, I think. After June 13th, stop by the house on Madison Avenue at 48th Street and vote for your favorite cat.

Monday, May 22, 2006

We Made NY1 News*

Today's AIDS Walk was an awesome, beautiful day shared with new friends and old. We had a fabulous group of 20ish men & women, three dogs and two big signs. We laughed and talked and got to know the team. Then afterwards we trekked over to 9th Avenue where our friend Kieran, formerly of Siberia, treated our team to pizza and a free round. Our team announced on 101.1 radio and Scott was interviewed for NY1. *They didn't use his footage but we were still visible in the background looking absolutely clueless. Har! Watch the slow motion clip to see Kevin, Nicole & Jonathan, me, Paquita, Scott, Brian & Keith. For normal speed, click here. Thank you to everyone who volunteered their time and donated online and in cash. We raised well over $1,000!

Paquita was so exhausted on the subway ride home she was snoring as I cradled her in my arms like a baby. If only someone could have cradled me. I'm beat!

Look for the pics on TexintheCity.com soon.

Realized I am more charitable than I give myself credit for sometimes.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Tex in the City friend and producer, Kevin Farr, lost his sister Carla Cook after a long battle with cancer. Kevin and a few of his closest friends all gathered at his apartment this past Saturday night in Jersey City to honor and celebrate her life.

I didn't know Carla personally but have met Kevin's parents and have known Kevin for a few years now and first began working with him when he directed Tex in the City's Country vs. Rock n' Roll cabaret starring his dear friend Andra Mitrovich (Love,Janis).

The happiness and good vibes that positively radiate from Kevin hardly faltered even in this time of loss for him and his family. My heart swelled and my throat clenched when we said our goodbyes that night. How can someone who has helped his family struggle over the last years be so good and kind and gracious and lovely? He is to be revered this Kevin Farr for his strength of character and warm, loving heart. I am honored to know him and only hope I can give him just a shred of the love and support he has shown me as he and his family move foward in their lives without their dear Carla Cook.

Send Kevin a note at kf[@]texinthecity.com.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Music & Comedy Extravaganza

Brought to you by DrinkatWork.com

On Monday, May 22nd, the talented folks behind DrinkatWork.com produce another FREE music & comedy extravaganza at Siberia.

This month's musical guests: Shayna Ferm & Billy McCarthy
Joined by comedians Craig Baldo, Becky Donahue, Jack Kukoda and Sean Crespo.

Featuring a Quick Moment with Carol & and an original piece written by nationally syndicated cartoonist Francesco Marciuliano.

Monday May 22, 2006 at 8:00 PM
356 W 40th Street at 9th
New York, NY 10018

Friday, May 12, 2006

Scott Ramsey News Update

Scott was one of only 16 people accepted into the Manhattan School of Music! He just quit his day job less than a month ago to rejuvinate his musical theater career and is already on the right track. Congratulations to him!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

AIDS Walk Update

Paquita is shown here modeling her new Tex in the City t-shirt custom made especially for her to wear to the 2006 AIDS Walk NY in Central Park. She's such a good model...I really need to try and get her real jobs so she can earn her keep.

You can join Paquita and the Tex in the City team for the Sunday, May 21st walk and post-event picnic by clicking here and filling out the form. We'll be meeting around 10:00 and all done by 2:00. Right now we have about ten team members but we'd love to have more.

All are welcome!

For random fun, here's a photo of me giving "Liz Smith" my business card at the AIDS Walk Team Leader & Star Walker reception held at Madame Tussaud's last week. It was a fun outing but the wax figures are really kind of creepy.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Merry Month of May Festival

Tex in the City friend Jason Kendall is producing a comedic theatrical festival dubbed The Merry Month of May Festival. The festival features for Shakespeare comedies and The Dentist, an "absurdist farce" written by Jason himself.

The festival runs from April 30 through May 27, 2006. All tickets are $18 and every performance is at the Manhattan Repertory Theater upstairs from the Laugh Factory entrance on 42nd Street.

Visit the Moonbeam Productions website for more or call the festival hotline at 212-465-3466.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Live From New York!

Wednesday night I read from Love, Daddy - Letters & Stories From My Jailed Deaf Dad for "8 Million Stories" produced by the Gathering of the Tribes in New York. It was a strange little place but perfect for my virgin reading.

I was happy to have some friendly, familiar faces in the crowd for my first time "performing" in about eight years. I am out of practice, definitely, as I was so short of breath the whole time but think that was mainly due to nerves. Hopefully, I'll get better & better as my confidence grows.

I've always worried that the story is just too heavy and weird for people to feel comfortable laughing so I had two intentional bits of comic relief peppered in. I was pleasantly surprised at the laughs I wasn't expecting at things I had no idea were funny.

Anyway, here is a super short clip for your potential enjoyment:
Larry Story

There's another one posted over at Love, Daddy. Check it out or come watch me read it live on Sunday, May 13th at the Back Fence.

P.S. The Sunburnt Cow is a great restaurant!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Bengal Tiger: Twilight Huntress

From the wacky mind of Andres du Bouchet, springs forth this hilarious short spoof on nature shows. Filmed & expertly edited by Jonny Fido, this movie is hopefully just the beginning of their future film endeavors. See Andres & Jonny live every Tuesday at Rififi for Giant Tuesday Night... Meanwhile, watch their first movie here: