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Tex in the City Diaries
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Saturday, October 25, 2003

Last night's final Portable Comedy was packed to the gills. It would have been a great way to end things minus one very bad female comedian that we'll call Angela Rosenberg. Hoo boy, she stank so bad, Paquita dropped and rolled in it. Now that's stanky!

I hope Christian does relaunch the show elsewhere and not just because he asked me to produce it. It's actually a really great show that just needs a new (better) location and some TLC. He is to be congratulated for months of success which doesn't come easy in NYC.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

A few items of business:

(1) Tex in the City guests of Estee Lauder Companies will receive a 15% discount at the Flatiron Building Jo Malone, MAC and Origins stores on October 27-31, 2003. Print out this flier and take it with you to receive your savings. Enjoy!

(2) This Friday is most likely the last Portable Comedy. Join me, won't you? It's only $7 and if you mention Tex in the City, you get in for $5. Did I mention there's free vodka? No? Well, there's free vodka.

(3) The reason for the aforementioned last show is due to the Gerswhin undergoing much needed renovations. This means I need to find another spot for future Tex in the City events and Christian may want to re-launch his show. Do y'all have any suggestions? If so, send them my way.

Okay, back to whatever it is you weren't doing.