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Friday, August 04, 2006

So I've been pitching (heh) the Brooklyn Cyclones like crazy hoping they would let Christian throw out the first pitch the day after our wedding when we take our big group of 60 to go see the game. I hadn't heard anything and was kvetching to my old boss Jack over vodka gimlets about how I really wanted that to be my wedding present to Christian.

Guess who Jack just happens to know? The owner of the Cyclones. One phone call later and guess who is throwing out the first pitch on Sunday, August 13th? Yeah, I knew three years of office insanity with Jack would pay off.

Guess who is in line for a very special thank you that he'll never let me forget?

Thursday, August 03, 2006

So this party was a bigger deal than we realized. There was a red carpet and a camera crew and a bunch of celebrities. Check out Wire Image, Getty Images and Film Magic's sites for all the pics and who's who list like Christina Applegate, Chloe Sevigny and a host of others.

Christian got in a bunch of good zingers in his speech but no one really heard it because 70% of the people there weren't there for Best Week Ever. There were gobs of well dressed, beautiful party people who no one at VH1 knew. How do these people get on the guest lists for these things? One really pretty blonde woman was quite the Cee U Next Tuesday to a writer for the show which made my blood boil. How about a gentle "excuse me" and enthusiasm for the free booze fest? Gorgeous club kids make me want to cut things. Namely their throats. Dad's a bad influence, I think.

Anyway, tune in to The Today Show tomorrow morning to catch Christian talking pop culture with Matt Lauer and promoting the 100th episode of Best Week Ever which airs tomorrow night at 11:00 EST.