Tex in the City Newsletter
The latest newsletter is published and you can read it right here.
Reminder - This Wednesday!
On Wednesday, May 3rd I will be reading from my writings here on Love, Daddy in 8 Million Stories produced by A Gathering of the Tribes in New York City.
The piece I've chosen to read is about visiting my dad in Huntsville, Texas for the first time since his imprisonment. Hilarious, right? I'll be incorporating sign language into the reading as well so it will hopefully be more interesting for people.
Here are the details:
Wednesday, May 3rd 8 Million Stories Hosted by Roxanne Hoffman and Mitch Corber
A Gathering of the Tribes 285 East 3rd Street (2nd Floor) Between Avenues C & D
6:30PM - 9PM $5 Suggested Donation helps support the Tribes Gallery as well as A Gathering of the Tribes literary magazine. Visit www.tribes.org for more.
Other readers include Big Mike, Jack Wiler, ICE and Nathan Whiting and Pete Dolack.
Tex in the City Alumna Update
4: Your Consideration Art Series alumna Kayla Cagan (nee Solomon) will be presenting two short pieces at 3 Graces Theater Company when they present "Spring Shorts" at The Milagros Theater.
Ms. Cagan's pieces include Roller Coaster, which was first produced by Tex in the City at the Gershwin Hotel, and the world premiere of Shot Americans.
Grace Theater May 10-14, 2006 Wed-Sat @ 8:00pm Sat & Sun @ 3:00pm $15.00
Buy tickets here.
Page Six 2026
New York Post reporters Mandy Stadtmiller and Raakhee Mirchandani along with Ballyhoo Promotions clients Anthony DeVito & Chrisitan Finnegan and a handful of other reporters and comics came up with Page Six 2026. It's an entire mock up of what Page Six might look like in the future. It's pretty clever and witty and you can check it out here.
Mandy also wrote a piece on page 79 about tonight's panel on voice over artistry being held at the AMMI. My Tex in the City founding partner & friend Scott is actually going to it tonight so we planed to meet up for a quick bite beforehand. In a funny little serendipity thing (a lot of which is happening these days), Mandy is going to the panel and invited me to use her extra ticket. So, turns out I'll be Mandy's plus one for free entry and get to hang out with Scott a little longer than expected.
I'll give you my review of the panel sometime soon, until then you can read Mandy's article on the event and panelists here.
Scott Ramsey Reviews "The Memory Book" by Jack Dyville
On Monday night, Ten Grand Productions held another meeting of their Cold Cuts play reading series. I was excited to attend as this production company was new to me. And I knew Jack Dyville was one of the featured playwrights for the night which also grabbed my interest.
Tex in the City has tried several times to find the right fit for Dyville's work, whether it be a play reading or actually producing one of his pieces. Through this process I have read one of his full length plays and loved it. So I was thrilled to know that he would be a part of Cold Cuts and I could hear even more of his work.
This particular play reading series is very unique. The goal is not to direct or rehearse these readings but truly have them be "cold" so the writer has an opportunity to hear the words as they are written. Ten Grand Productions really believes in the journey of developing new work and this reading series provides some of the beginning elements of that process. It's a great approach and, after witnessing on Monday, one that is very productive.
Three plays were read on Monday. "Dealt" by Joshua Ess, "Perverted Roberta" by Mira Gibson and "The Memory Book" by Jack Dyville. All three were unique in their own way and it was interesting to see them read in the setting.
Ten Grand produces this reading series at the Actors' Chapel at St. Malachy's Church so it's instantly a very unique environment.
Dyville's play in this atmosphere (and so many others I'm certain) was beautiful. It was at once touching, very sweet, and like so much of his work, infused with a sensitivty that was empathetic and kind.
"The Memory Book" is a one-act that reminisces the lives of two inseparable friends and chorus boys who made a promise to meet up again at age 65. One has constructed a book highlighting all of the memories and experiences they shared together. By flipping through the Memory Book, their regroupingunfolds as they remember, heal old wounds, and discover what lies ahead. Sometimes humurous, sometimes emotional and always compassionate, Dyville leaves the audience with a new perspective on life well lived and what that truly means.
In talking with Jack afterwards, he was very excited to have seen his work in this light. Bringing life to a piece in this way can provide a world of information for the playwright and I know Jack especially was thrilled to have been a part. I left Ten Grand Productions' Cold Cuts play reading series on Monday with a new found enthusiasm for the process of finding new work. And I especially look forward to hearing much more from Jack Dyville.
It's been ages since we've seen our dear friend and former Tex in the City partner Greg Gorman. He's got himself a cool job with Talk Radio News and it keeps him busy in DC. He's traveling to New York more often these days, though, and invited Tex in the City to a book party last night at the Puffin Room in SoHo.
 Bruce Ratner, the real estate developer and owner of the Nets, hosted the event for "Through the Eye of the Storm," a book by Cholene Espinoza about her experiences helping families in Mississippi rebuild after Hurricane Katrina. Cholene is a former U2 pilot and one of the few women admitted to the Air Force Academy and is the military correspondent for Talk Radio News. She's donating all the revenue from her book to build a community education in Pass Christian Delisle. Rock star.
I ran into some old acquaintances and met a few new ones. I also spotted outed New Jersey Governor McGreevey and his partner there milling about. All in all, it was a lovely event and my heart grew warm and fuzzy when I spoke with Greg. He is also going to try to join Tex in the City on the AIDS Walk. You should, too!
Afterwards, we went to Joe's Pub to watch Bridget Everett who managed to make me laugh, cry and make my jaw drop at least a dozen times. Joe's Pub is such a great venue, but boy their drinks are expensive! $11 for a glass of wine?! I'd love to produce an event there, but holy crow I can't imagine making my guests pay that much.
2006 AIDS Walk New York
Tex in the City is getting a team together to help "change the course of an epidemic" by walking 6.2 miles through Manhattan for the annual AIDS Walk New York. We had a lot of fun the last time we did it and managed to raise a decent sum of money, so we figured what the heck...let's do it again! So on May 21st you can find us somewhere in or near Central Park.
Even Kambri's dog Paquita took part and she will lead Tex in the City again this year. Last time we capped off the walking by drinking wine at an outdoor cafe and resting our tootsies. Paquita was too zonked to even beg for food! I wonder if she dreamt of meeting John Spencer?
Want to join in on the fun? Fill out this form and show up with your walking shoes. You'll get a free t-shirt and some exercise, too.
Can't make it but still want to support us? Click here to sponsor our efforts.