Here's a clip of Christian Finnegan, Sherrod Small & Jessica St. Clair of Best Week Ever on The Today Show on June 23rd.
Last night's "The Drink at Work Show" was Standing Room Only! Yes, inish caps required for how awesome the show was. I was a little worried considering the well established shows "Eating It" (with its nice write up by my pal Mandy Stadtmiller in the NY Post which included two name checks for Christian -- one in the lede, even) and "Tell Your Friends (with its Gothamist plug) were also last night.
But the crowd was there I even got two free drink tickets and $10 to perform. Rock. My new piece was a bastardized version of a few things plus newly written material which will all be posted over at Love, Daddy. One day I hope to have memorized some of this stuff as reading just isn't as fun as performing. But, well, when you write it a day before it hardly leaves room for that now does it? Yes, times are busy. I also had just come from FOUR hours at the dentist and a nearly two hour interview with the Observer, so my mouth was a little numb and sore and weird feeling and my teeth felt like dominoes. All in all, I didn't embarrass myself and my joint piece with Christian was really funny and well received.
Holy smokes have I had an awesome weekend! The rain tried to damper the spirits of yesterday's Water Taxi "Tex on the Beach" party to no avail. The place was packed and hopping with happy, hungry meat eaters. I learned a new card trick thanks to Texan comedian Dan Allen and got lots of gifts and free drinks from everyone.
Today, Keith treated me to a Yankees game and, once again, the torential rains failed to ruin our day. The rain stopped just in time for us to walk over without using umbrellas and we got to see the grounds crew do their job. It's really kind of fascinating to watch even though it meant the start of the game was delayed by an hour. The Yankees won and we got seats on the subway home.
Now I'm off to take Paquita to a comedy show in the Village and hopefully work on the piece Christian and I will perform tomorrow night at The Drink at Work Show. If it goes well, we're going to play the tape of it at our wedding. Come on out tomorrow to Ace of Clubs. You won't want to miss this one!
Happy birthday weekend is over. Sideways frownie face.
Beach Party Update
Since it's raining, the party will start at 6:00 so we can enjoy the tent that will be set up for the Gothamist QBQ BBQ. Mmmm...burgers!
See the events page for all the details.
Press & Other Stuff
Read this interview with me by Noah Fowle that appeared in the Villager today. I'm a little embarrassed by the opening where it says I helped launch rooms / shows. Not really true but I have done much, much promoting for lots of different shows down there. Other than that, it's a great interview considering it's my first and I was not prepared for some of the questions. This site plugs my interview and my Love, Daddy blog but inexplicably includes a passage not contained in the online interview. Weird but cool, nonetheless.
The Water Taxi Beach Party is tomorrow, rain or shine, where I hope to celebrate my birthday (on the 22nd) and the start of Summer in person with lots of friends. Click here for the scoop.
Gawker comments on BWE's appearance on the Today Show. Sadly Sherrod commented on Matt Lauer's sockless ankles before Christian could get in his actual joke. Oh well. It was still funny. The quota was reached on my free video services, so the full Today Show clip will have to wait. I bet you can hardly wait!
DVR Alert!
Set your DVR to record the Today Show this Friday when my client/fiance' comedian Christian Finnegan goes on to discuss the intricate goings-on of such culturally important events like:
Angelina Jolie's sit down with Anderson Cooper, Connie Chung's unfortunate send off, and I'm sure, Brittney's interview with Matt Lauer.
You won't want to miss this ground-breaking television event.
Also, watch E! News Daily tonight for yet another segment on the Meow Mix House.
Happy Hour Hilarilogues Recap
Hilarilogues with Andres du Bouchet last night was his best solo show yet. He had the crowd from the get go and clearly benefitted from the skillful direction of Michael Bernard. The Q&A was really fun and well moderated by Tex in the City producer Scott Ramsey. Scott is really great at leading conversations...much better than that dude at the AMMI. We had a talent manager, a Comedy Central talent director, a bunch of authors, an accomplished actress, and so many more talented people there in support of Andres. Congratulations to him!
Our happy hour party, show & Q&A were recommended in AM New York, but I never got a copy. Anyone have it?
I'm meeting Livia Scott today regarding her show, Goodnight, O.J., which is appearing in the same festival. I've helped her with PR in the past and hope I can do so now...she's really terrific, nice, talented -- so many good words come to mind -- and, from what I've heard, this show brings out elements in her that I'm sure her fans have never seen.
Afterwards, I head over to my interview with the Villager regarding Love, Daddy. It really is small potatoes when compared to this insane Meow Mix House frenzy. Besides the Daily News & Post stories today, CNN is coming by, Julie Chen is working out a time, Regis was chatting about it, and on and on and on.
I'm thrilled to have had a part of this project but even more psyched about the bottle of Dom Perignon that Tom Shillue had delivered to me as a thank you for referring him for the job! Top notch dude, that Shillue. Keith and I are going to drink it Saturday night to celebrate a job well done save for about 10 minutes when Keith will have an interview with some news group in Australia. Hope the champagne doesn't go straight to his head!
The Meow Mix House is Officially Open
Last night's opening was a success, I'd say! We had a bunch of ex-reality stars there along with host Tom Shillue & my fiance' / client Christian Finnegan. More photos have been loaded to Flickr and this note came from Keith, "This is like the Cafe all over again. We've had calls from four radio stations inAustralia, two TV stations in Japan, Kyodo wire service in Japan, a radio station inDublin, BBC....not to mention the international news feeds that are running the story."
Read Entertainment Weekly's commentary by Dalton Ross View the AP / Yahoo News Pic View the Flickr photos
Go see it LIVE & IN PERSON at 425 Madison at 49th St., NY, NY!
The Cat is Out of the Bag
It's official: The Meow Mix House will be aired on Animal Planet! I have been doing freelance PR work on this clever, tongue-in-cheek spoof on reality television where ten shelter cats live together in a home on Madison Avenue and vie for a job with the Meow Mix Company.
You can watch E!'s Daily Ten, Fox and/or the Insider tonight for your inside look at the Meow Mix House! You won't believe how cute the house and the cats are. Some pics are on my Flickr page, too. Also, the NY Post story ran today (thanks, Mandy!) and Keith just got off the phone with Time. Oh, and check out AOL's coverage complete with some photos including one of my pal comedian Tom Shillue ( who will be hosting the show.
Profile in the NY Post
For those of you who don't know, I volunteered with an animal rescue & recovery group in NoLA after Katrina. I came home with a bunny rabbit that had been abandoned like so many thousands of pets. Named Maybelline for her black-lined eyes, she gets along perfectly with my dog Paquita.  Julia Szabo of the New York Post heard of my volunteer work and rescued bunny and is profiling me and my menagerie for her weekly pet column. The piece should run this Sunday, I think. The photographer comes by at 3:00 today, so I'd better get dressed and brush my hair. Pfft. Read about my experience in NoLA. View the Flickr set.
It's the day of the show, y'all!!
Well the day is finally first day attending the Manhattan School of Music's Professional Musical Theatre Workshop. I'm so excited and find it hard to believe that this goal that I set out to achieve months (maybe years?) ago is finally beginning.
The program is designed to provide intensive training for musical theater performers in New York City who seek to refine their skills in order to be better equipped to fulfill the needs of musical theater today.
Paul Gemignani, world-renowned musical director of more than 35 Broadway shows, is not only the Artistic Director of the program but has also assembled a stellar faculty made up of outstanding musical theater professionals from the Broadway stage including Jim Carnahan, Phyllis Della, Paul Ford, Robert Kimball, Joanna Merlin, Carolann Page, Lonny Price, and Ginger Thatcher.
The course is four weeks in length and features hands-on training in all areas of musical theater performance, including individual vocal and dramatic coachings, song preparation, scene preparation, audition techniques, career management, dance, and master classes with distinguished artists, as well as a study of the history and impact of American musical for those of you who know me well, you know that I'm about to plunged into my nirvana!!
As I have begun my journey back into the world of musical theatre as a performer I have discovered that I am so much more of a different person since the last time I performed...and loving that realization! So I know this workshop will be invaluable in helping me get a jump start in getting back up to speed while incorporating who I am today...and truly guiding me into becoming my own...which will make for a completely unique experience that I'm honored and thrilled to have!
Today Show Clip & More!
Kambri's fiance, Christian Finnegan, was on The Today Show this morning for his monthly(ish) sit down to chat about pop culture stuff for "Best Week Ever". Watch the clip:
You can also listen to him on The Morning After at 10:35 AM Watch our good Tex in the City friend, NY Post reporter Mandy Stadtmiller, on Good Day NY here:
Insert Quippy Title Here
My fiance, Christian Finnegan, will be on the Today Show tomorrow morning around 8:20.
Watch my pal, NY Post reporter Mandy Stadtmiller, on Good Day New York here:
Last night was a blast with a free showing of Burleigh Grime$. Half the group hated it, some others loved it and a few were somewhere in between. It's all about Wall Street, so if that world is your style you might dig it. I will say this: the drums were freaking loud. But no one ever really complains when being treated to free the-a-tah.
Afterwards we enjoyed cheap margaritas in the outdoors at Blockheads and watched some young new musical theater graduates showing off with their fancy Broadway dance moves. I threw down my purse and said, "That's it! I declare a DANCE OFF!" I was going to show them a thing or two! And I proceeded to snap my fingers a la West Side Story. Scott chickened out, though, so the dance off was a bust. Justin, the young grad, was too young, chipper, drunk and fit to be beat by our aged selves. Instead we cleaned their clocks in a drink off.