Click here for some absolutely lovely photographs of New York and my office in Rockefeller Center taken by Texan, Tom Spencer. He seemed to enjoy the Kitty Hawk sand dune replication which I hate, hate hated. Then again, I have to manage the space every day and the whole arial-themed display was cumbersome. They removed much of our garden seating whilst the display was, well, displayed and created barricades in every nook and cranny.
Anyway, I digress. He's an absolutely terrific photographer and has some breathtaking photos of Texas bluebonnets -- for all you non-Texans, the bluebonnet is the Texas State Flower and a field of them is a treasure to behold. Do yourself a favor and defrag a moment on his site. The guy is so zen! To pass the time, I've been trying to think of ways to ruffle his, yeah, I need some defragging I think.
I Will Never Be Elected to Public Office.
So, I lied.
I have no other things on my mind as of late other than Tex in the City, Ann Richards, I'm Not Slowing Down and all the press that has been surfacing. I fielded a few phones calls and inquiries today from various publications and wished that this production company of ours could pay my rent. The "work" just doesn't feel like "work". It feels right and it feels good. If only real life would stop creeping in (like Jack hounding me from his Hampton home for things like Viagra prescriptions), then I would totally stop drinking and popping valium and concentrate on nothing other than parties and plays and socializing. Seriously this balancing work and "home" is just too much!
All I can say is WOW!!! The book launch party on Tuesday night was fantastic and I am thrilled to have been a small part of that success.
I would like to thank Carmen Gorman, Leslie Farrand of Texas Monthly, Bill and Angela Renfro, the wonderful marketing staff of Dutton Publishing, Sandra Castellanos, Screen Graphix Printing, Jean Luc Kleefield and all of my friends who came to the party to support Tex in the City.
By the way, Ann Richards is the BEST, Tina Louise is FANTASTIC, Janice Combs is WONDERFUL, Maurice Dubois is ENGAGING, Alina Cho is BEAUTIFUL, Fran Weissler is POWERFUL and Tex in the City is FLYING HIGH!!!
Favorite Quotes From the Ann Richards Book Launch Party
Ann Richards during her speech: "Down in Texas, the gas prices have gotten so bad, wives have to form carpools to run over their husbands."
"I'm Not Slowing Down until they put a picture of me on a Smucker's jar and Willard Scott reads my name on the air."
Jack to Ann Richards, reformed alcoholic: "Hey lady, move out of the way, some people are trying to get a drink."
When walking home from work, I do not recommend these shoes.
Unlike the four hour, scary and lonely walk across the 59th Street Bridge on 9/11/01, it took me a mere hour to get home from Midtown and was shared with a friend from work. Quite a different adventure.
Christian and I bumped into each other in Astoria and decided to hang out on a rooftop where it was surprisingly cool. We enjoyed a candlelight dinner of pasta and wine, played cards, and talked of the stars and passing planes and laughed too hard about something silly. In other words, it was just like any other night we share together . . . only hotter.
So when people talk of yesterday it will forever be:
the day Tex in the City made the NY Times for the first time; the day some guy knocked his head hard into the wooden security sensor at Barnes & Noble trying to check me out; the day a NY Times fact checker wrote me regarding an item referencing Tex in the City in this Sunday's edition of the NY Times. (Yeah, the edition that the whole world reads!); and the day of the Blackout of '03.
We made history!
Ho Hum
We made the news again for this. Aren't we purty all gussied up?
Check out Tina Louise at our party. Oh, and Maurice DuBoise with Alina Cho. Howzabout Puff Daddy's Mama, Janice Combs, and how can I forget the lovely and sassy Ms. Ann Richards. Of course she was a gracious guest of honor and thanked Tex in the City (as an LLC and as individuals) in a nice little speech. She also spent some alone time with us in a private room after the party -- just the four of us with the best lady ever. She's so cool. The gift bags were a hit and as Chris Smith of the NY Times told me it was one of the best book parties he'd ever been to because it wasn't full of pretentious haute monde. Yes, we are friendly and welcoming. It's a curse.
By the way, it was 10 years ago today that I quit smoking. I haven't had a single puff since. Yay me!
I want to pass on the most sincere congratulations to Ehren Christian and Roxy Becker on the creation and subsequent success of their new company, Frozen No Salt Productions. FroNo is a production company focusing its talent and energy on further broadening the art and artists that come from the Great State of Texas. Ehren and Roxy will be producing and starring in the East Coast premiere of Kirk Lynn's Pale Idiot in this year's New York International Fringe Festival at the Greenwich Street Theatre, 547 Greenwich Street (between Charlton and Vandam) on August 17, 19, 20, 23 and 24. Visit for Pale Idiot performance details and ticket information and make sure to support these amazing Texans and their wonderful talents at the Fringe Festival and beyond!
My paralegal degree was not for naught!
One year ago (August 6, 2002, to be exact), I completed the legal research and documentation to apply for a trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office for the Tex in the City logo. On August 5, 2003, the registration request went unopposed (a big thank you to HBO and the great State of Texas, et al.).
Our precious little ™ has tranformed into an ®.
I remember when I was in Z. Cavaricci's, comparing Rick Astley to my beloved Scott Ramsey and singing the soundtrack to Starlight Express ad nauseum. My how we've grown!
Last night I sat reeeeeaaaaaaaallllllllllyyyyy close to the Visitor's dugout in Yankee Stadium and watched Roger Clemens whoop the tar out of the Texas Rangers. Put a Texan in New York and just watch that Southern hospitality melt away faster than a jackrabbit running from a twister! The nerve!Miss Universe (not the one with the tiara, the one with real duties like dealing with my cosmic destiny) was kind enough to hold back the ominous impending thunderstorm and provide me with nine full innings complete with five homeruns and lots of foul balls that I totally could have caught if only I weren't wearing a skirt. Otherwise, I definitely would have lunged over seats and knocked over any slow moving child or senior citizen that got in the way of my scoring one of those puppies. See what I mean about that lost Southern hospitality? I'd better take a trip back home and fast!By Kambri at 4:39 PM
So, we've gotten lots of RSVPs for our upcoming party including some true VIPs. It's hard to believe we've only been in business for little over a year and we've already had such great success, big and small. People are choosing to come to OUR party. Yeah, that same party that Liz Smith wrote about in her column a few days ago. I sometimes just guffaw out loud to myself at the thought. I just keep waiting to zip off my latex disguise and step out to declare, "You totally bought my act; just like Patrick Dempsey in that movie, 'Can't Buy Me Love' or some Pepsi Twist commercial!"
The details of the event are now starting to weigh more on my mind. Last night was restless sleep during which I dreamt the party was at the Cuervo Nation but this time I was wearing more than a bikini and was chatting it up with Swoosie and her P.A. I hesitated to ask for a photo of the three of us. However, our photographer didn't show, and I didn't want to not have any photos for Page Six. I mean, really, you know they're just dying to have a photo of me, Swoosie and her P.A. That's sure to be picture of the year.